Segue un intenso percorso di formazione studiando e praticando con maestri di diverse tradizioni. Insegna hatha yoga da oltre vent’anni facendo riferimento principalmente agli insegnamenti di Sri Sri Sri Satchidananda Yogi, il Maestro Silente di Madras e del suo discepolo diretto W. Thirak Ruta ( Approfondisce l’esperienza della meditazione, come trasmessa nella tradizione Vajrayana - scuola tibetana guidata dal 17° Gyalwang Karmapa Ogyen Trinley Dorje del lignaggio Karma Kagyu, con Lama Ringu Tulku Rinpoche (
Nel 1999, a Peschiera Borromeo dove vive, fonda Yoga Shankara, spazio di incontro per lo studio e la divulgazione dello yoga e di antiche discipline affini, nell’intento di abbracciare le infinite sfumature dell’universo spirituale. Promotrice di iniziative artistiche, culturali ed eventi a sostegno di progetti umanitari (in collaborazione con Clown One Italia, la onlus Apeiron in Nepal, il dott. Aldo Lo Curto – medico volontario itinerante) si impegna parallelamente per la protezione dell’ambiente con Gaia A&A Ha viaggiato in India, Mongolia e Nepal come volontaria in occasione di diverse missioni umanitarie. Artista, lavora con materiali della natura, realizzando dipinti e composizioni musicali per voce ed elementi sonori naturali. Insieme a Ginevra Sanguigno e Italo Bertolasi è autrice del manuale Scuola Natura – giochi e attività per riavvicinare i bambini all’ambiente, ritrovare un contatto autentico con la natura e sviluppare la consapevolezza della necessità di prenderci cura del nostro meraviglioso pianeta.
Sarah and Jacopo came to yoga following their own individual paths but as from 2002 they started to share their practice. Firstly they followed a 3-year teacher training course according to the standards of YANI (Italian National Yoga Association), at the Sorgente Yoga school in Milan, where they learnt the Sivananda method. They obtained their teacher training diploma in October 2008 from the association. At the same time, they followed a second teacher-training course wholly inspired by the teachings of Sri Sri Sri Satchidananda Yogi, also known as the “Silent Yogi of Madras” conducted by the Pramiti Yoga School in Ventimiglia.
They obtained the certificate from this school in October 2008 but continue to follow an ongoing training program at Pramiti. They have taken part in several intensive seminars from 2005 onwards, in which they have also practised several advanced techniques. In 2005 and 2008 they were in India, where they had the opportunity to follow a sadhana in Chennai, at the Sri Vasavi Yogashram directly instructed by the master Satchidananda.
Sarah and Jacopo came to yoga following their own individual paths but as from 2002 they started to share their practice. Firstly they followed a 3-year teacher training course according to the standards of YANI (Italian National Yoga Association), at the Sorgente Yoga school in Milan, where they learnt the Sivananda method. They obtained their teacher training diploma in October 2008 from the association. At the same time, they followed a second teacher-training course wholly inspired by the teachings of Sri Sri Sri Satchidananda Yogi, also known as the “Silent Yogi of Madras” conducted by the Pramiti Yoga School in Ventimiglia.
They obtained the certificate from this school in October 2008 but continue to follow an ongoing training program at Pramiti. They have taken part in several intensive seminars from 2005 onwards, in which they have also practised several advanced techniques. In 2005 and 2008 they were in India, where they had the opportunity to follow a sadhana in Chennai, at the Sri Vasavi Yogashram directly instructed by the master Satchidananda.
They have been teaching regularly since 2006 and work with several yoga centres in Italy (Milan, Pavia, San Felice, Apulia) and in Berlin. They also teach private sessions and both group and individual classes in Berlin where they live. They regularly organize seminars.
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